
We strive to share ideas and unique perspectives that can provoke new ways of thinking, spark discussion and debates and inspire action. Here you will find our thought leadership and insight pieces.
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The enshittification of AI in healthcare: An alternative ending

There are three things in life that are inevitable – death, taxes and technology platform providers exploiting users through monetisation techniques and ‘dark patterns’ to line the pockets of their shareholders

Prioritising mental health, every day, all year round

Today, on World Mental Health Day, we want to take a moment to raise awareness and share some of the ways we ensure our team’s wellbeing is supported 24/7.

Marking Baby Loss Awareness Week 2024: Sharing Our Stories, Supporting Each Other

Every day in the UK, around 13 babies die before, during, or shortly after birth, this is a heart-wrenching statistic that means a new family joins this painful "club" every two hours.

From AI Breakthroughs to Diversity in Tech: Answer Digital Lights Up Leeds Digital Festival 2024

Answer Digital joined Leeds Digital Festival 2024, hosting sessions on AI in healthcare, gender diversity in tech, and generative AI, sparking key discussions on innovation, ethics, and inclusivity.

Celebrating 25 Years of Answer Digital: A Journey of Resilience, Collaboration, and Innovation

As we celebrate 25th years of Answer, we look back to humble beginings and reflect on the journey which we have been on.

From Finance to Tech: Kash’s success story at the Answer Academy

Switching careers can be tough, but for Kash, it was a decision that changed his life.


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