Prioritising mental health, every day, all year round

10th October 2024

Today, on World Mental Health Day, we want to take a moment to raise awareness and share some of the ways we ensure our team’s wellbeing is supported 24/7. At Answer Digital, we believe that mental health should be a continuous focus. As an employee-owned business, we put the mental and physical wellbeing of our team at the heart of everything we do.

Mental Health First Aiders, here to listen, support, and guide

We are proud to have two trained Mental Health First Aiders within our team. They’re here to offer a listening ear, a supportive presence, and, when necessary, guide team members toward professional resources. Our First Aiders are part of a broader initiative to cultivate an open and understanding environment where mental health conversations are not only welcomed but encouraged. Having trained individuals available is one of the many ways we ensure our team feels supported.

Working with a wellbeing coach

We’ve also partnered with a wellbeing coach to promote physical wellness, which is intrinsically linked to mental wellbeing. Our coach creates fitness plans, provides guidance, and encourages healthy habits. Regular exercise isn’t just about staying physically fit, it’s a proven way to reduce stress and improve overall mental health.

Weekly wellness reminders, little actions lead to big impacts

As part of our weekly routine at Answer, we share simple but impactful reminders to the team. Whether it's a nudge to take a break, a reminder to be kind to yourself, or a suggestion to help someone else, these gentle prompts help everyone take a moment to pause and focus on their wellbeing. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of the day, but these little reminders encourage mindfulness and self-care throughout the week.

With World Mental Health Day approaching, our team has ramped up efforts in providing support to those who need it most, but these weekly reminders take place 52 weeks of the year as a reminder that continuous support is available.

The 5pm running club

Exercise is a powerful tool for mental health, and at Answer, we’ve found a great way to combine fitness with team bonding. Every month, we meet up at 5pm for a voluntary 5km run. The Running Club isn’t about speed or competition, it’s about coming together, getting outside, and doing something good for our bodies and minds. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just getting started, the emphasis is on participation and community.

World Mental Health Week: sharing impactful changes

This week, we’ve been sharing bite-sized tips with the team, small changes that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine to support better mental health.

Here are a couple of our suggestions which you can take onboard:
Morning Routines: start the day right

A good morning routine can set the tone for the entire day. It doesn’t have to be complicated, but here are a few key elements:

  • Movement: Whether it's a morning walk or playing with the dog, moving your body helps wake you up.
  • Hydration: Drinking water as soon as you wake up rehydrates your body after a night of rest.
  • Fuel: A nutritious breakfast can give you the energy you need to tackle the day ahead.
  • Mindfulness: Taking a few minutes to clear your mind can help you focus and stay calm throughout the day.
  • Daylight: Soak up some natural light to regulate your circadian rhythm and improve your mood.

Setting Boundaries: protecting your energy

It's vital to create boundaries between work and personal time, especially in a fast-paced, connected world:

  • Take a proper lunch break: Stepping away from your desk, even for a short time, helps recharge your mental energy.
  • Turn off work notifications: Outside of work hours, mute emails and messages to fully switch off and relax.
  • Write things down: If work thoughts are swirling in your head, jot them down so you can rest easy knowing they’re captured and you can revisit them later.

Mental Health: a 365 day commitment

At Answer Digital, mental health isn’t a one-day conversation, it’s woven into everything we do, from our culture of support and collaboration to our dedicated wellness initiatives. We’re committed to creating an environment where mental wellbeing is prioritised and where every team member feels valued and supported.

On this World Mental Health Day, we encourage everyone, both within our company and beyond, to take a moment for themselves and reflect on the importance of mental health.

Remember, you are not alone, and it’s okay to ask for help.

Let's continue the conversation every day.

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